It's not unlike the feeling I have as I pick up the pile of cards dealt to me in a game of gin. What will the cards hold? What will I see in them? That is what analysis is to me - a card game. Last week I began my slide preparation for an upcoming set of projects related to VoIP analysis. I find VoIP traffic fascinating - its duality - signaling separate from voice - its trusting nature - using UDP - its frailty.
This VoIP project came up first in preparation for the VoIP labs for the Summit 09 training event. I wanted to include a lecture portion dealing with SIP and RTP behavior and point out the cool new organization of telephony-related options in Wireshark. I wanted to build some hands-on labs to allow students to identify the likely points on a network that they'd look to isolate problems with the calls. I'm energized with the process of preparing new lectures, new trace files and new hands-on exercises for Summit 09.But Summit 09 had to go on the back burner for a bit... another hand had been dealt - by Microsoft.
The Microsoft Webinars (Oct 6th and Oct 28th)
I have presented two webinars for Microsoft to date - one wildly popular (where we pulled in Microsoft's largest registration and attendance counts) and the other nearly empty (seems the old Microsoft marketing engine had stalled on that one and we didn't push it because it was open to partners only). If you want to join me at the Summit 09 event on December 7-9th, check out the Summit 09 Information Document at
No RTP? A Lousy Deal?!
When I began systematically opening the VoIP files in my folder, I hit the first stumbling block of VoIP analysis. One of the first trace files I opened up did not contain the SIP packets for a call setup so Wireshark didn't apply an RTP dissector to the voice traffic - it just dumped me off at UDP. Hmmm... seems I have a hand with no runs or matches.
I've talked about the process of "Decode As" in the past for interpreting traffic traveling over non-standard ports. The same steps are quite common to use with VoIP traffic. I right clicked on a packet in the trace file and selected Decode As. On the right side, I chose one of the transport port numbers and selected RTP in the protocol list.
Voila! It's decoded as

Viewing the RTP Streams
When Wireshark reached version 1.2, the menu bar was revised to include a Telephony item. Once you force the RTP decode (if required), you can select Telephony > RTP > Show All Streams.
Wireshark detected two RTP streams in my trace file once I forced the RTP decode on the traffic.

As you can see from the figure at left, Wireshark can now show me the RTP streams in the trace file - one stream going in each direction. We can also see that one of the streams has a 2.1% packet loss. Packet loss is ugly in VoIP communications - when a call experiences serious packet loss, the conversation quality suffers.There's an example of a G.711 audio file with 10% packet loss at
Playing the Hand That Was Dealt
Unlike gin or poker, we have to play the hand we were dealt in network analysis. We can only make the hand stronger by filtering out traffic that is not relevant and interpreting the possible causes for the packets that remain.
In the area of VoIP analysis, my favorite filter is sip || rtp and my favorite feature is the RTP playback feature. I like to set the time column to Seconds Since Previous Displayed Packet and export the trace file to csv format.
In Excel I sort on the source column first, the number column second and then graph out the time column to show me the variance between packets (the jitter value). I could use Wireshark's graphing capabilities to give me some of this information, but this is one of the areas where a formal spreadsheet program really shines. I exported the trace file to a csv format to graph out a portion of the jitter values.
VoIP at Summit 09
I'm anxious to get back to the Summit 09 preparations - to document all the tips and tricks of VoIP analysis. I've put together a few lab exercises already, but I'm keeping my eyes open for new hands to play - if you have any VoIP traces that I could use in Summit 09, please send them to me ( Download the Summit Information Guide. All Access Pass members receive a 50% discount to Chappell Summit 09.
Enjoy life one bit at a time.